Summer sweets!

What else was in my basket for you? 
Yes, fresh Raspberries! Luxury is in treasuring the llittle things, and summer needs to be celebrated! It's finally hot here, and i so enjoy the sunshine, even though i'm working! Have a funtastic day and let's look forward to a gorgeous evening outside!

Photo: Martina Voigt-Schmid


  1. I'll have strawberries in there too :))) The sun has come here too, so nice. I hope you enjoy the weather when you can!! xox

  2. YIPPPPEEEE! YOU HAVE FINALLY GOT THE SUN! And with raspberries to celebrate? What better way is there???? I have been eating so many raspberries this summer. They have been luscious and FAT! But watermelon has to come in close second for yesterday, I had a huge slice that was so sweet, I could not believe it!

    ARE YOU FEELING GOOD MY DEAREST??????? Enjoy the color and the flavors of SUMMERTIME!!!!!!!!! Anita

  3. I am trying to buy the raspberries as often as possible now-they are perfect just to eat stright from the basket :)

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  4. Red attraction is so much art....then eat it. Yumm. very nice.

  5. Yes i am sitting outside right now the weather is lovely !!! rasberry'

  6. Ah, I would love to have those exotic raspberries, Martina! Enjoy your sunshine, all the lovely colours in the natures basket!

  7. What a charming & lovely picture!

  8. So glad that you're having some nice weather. We are was kind of a late...(on and off start) to summer here...but at least it's not scorching like other parts of the States.

    Those raspberries look yummy...enjoy!


  9. Oh my loving those raspberries....enjoy the sun my friend. xoxo

  10. Yes, Summer is finally here in our corner too Martina and your raspberries do look refreshingly delicious!
    Hope you are having a great week,
    Susan x

  11. Flowers and juicy raspberries...oh yes please!! :))
    I can taste them now...
    Enjoy, dear Martina!
    Today we had the sweetest cherries...the delights of sweet summer.
    Hugs to you,
    - Irina


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