May i show you ...

Woran ich in der letzten Zeit gearbeitet habe?
What i've been working on in the past weeks?

Die Sommerausgabe von KidsLife! 
The summer edition of KidsLife!

Ich bin so aufgeregt!
I am so exited!

Weil ich glaube, es ist eine der schönsten Ausgaben, die wir je gemacht haben, vollgepackt mit schönen Bilden, interessanten Beiträgen und Sommerspaß für fröhliche Familien. Das wundervolle Coverfoto stammt von Jen Carver. Und es gibt einen Artikel über eine besondere Blogfreundin von mir - eine Mutter von 5 Kindern, die mich mit ihrer Kreativität und Lebensfreude immer wieder begeistert: Libbie Doyle. Außerdem stellen wir diesmal unser neues Baby vor "GreenKidsLife" - eine Kreativ-Beilage für Kinder, erarbeitet mit der S.O.F. Umweltstiftung aus Hamburg.

KidsLife im Onlinekiosk: Hier und hier

Because i think it's one of our nicest editions ever and i'm simply in love with that cute cover girl, taken by the wonderful Jen Carver. And it's got an article about a great blogfriend of mine - a mother of 5 who i just admire for her creativity and positive energy - Libbie Doyle. It's packed with summer-family-fun,   and i'm happy to introduce our new launch of Green KidsLife, a creative supplement for kids that is meant to inspire them as well as their parents to a greener, more sustainable lifestyle. 
At the moment, it's only available in german, but i hope we do manage to get an international issue as well soon. 

Da die letzte Zeit zwar schön, aber auch sehr anstrengend gewesen ist, gönne ich mir mit meinem Mann eine kleine Reise an die italienische Blumenriviera. Bis zum 15. Juni lege ich eine Blogpause ein - und wünsche Euch allen eine wunderbare Zeit. Es soll ja auch hier nun endlich wärmer werden!
Lasst es Euch gut gehen - ich freue mich darauf, Euch alle bald wieder zu besuchen!

Because the last time has been full of inspiration but also packed with work and rain. hubby and i are leaving for a little vacation to the Italian Riviera - to freshen up our energies and spirits. We'll be back on the 15th of June, and i hope you will all have a grand old time in the meantime. I look forward to visit you again and send you lots of love!


  1. THIS IS SO COOL! I love reading the German (I can understand a lot of it but CANNOT pronounce it, just like DUTCH!)

    Martina, your magazine is simply fabulous and the photos are wonderful! My favorite is the little girl with the HORSE! YES! ME! MINE!

    You have got to be so excited, but very exhausted my friend. Thank you for making our blog community so colorful and beautiful! LOVE! ANita

  2. I know them ...thai is the familly from Libbie !!...owwwww she is so sweet girl.....she has her own blog...i love her and her mom and her brother's....ok and her Daddy.....;-)))...i love all people.....!! yes !! !!

  3. Hi Martina,

    How wonderful your magazine is and can see how very proud you must be of it.
    Love all the pretty photos especially the first little girl in the pretty yellow dress.
    Have a wonderful vacation on the Italian Riviera - sounds great

  4. Ah, I find everything of this post so cute! And how nice of you to get the magazine up and kicking! So happy for you. Sending across loads of best wishes and may the magazine come out in other languages soon. Enjoy your vacation, dear Martina!

  5. Oh how I love this post, Martina!

    Thank you for wandering over to visit, and I wish you a FANTASTIC DAY! I do hope you are getting the well-deserved rest you need and should have on sunny and beautiful days! LOVE, Anita

  6. congratulations!
    have a great vacation :)

  7. What a beautiful magazine! I love the front cover pic too, so pretty! Have a wonderful holiday Martina, see you in a couple of weeks. :)xx

  8. Congratulations Martina!...Your magazine looks wonderful and such beautiful photographs too. I particularly love the first pretty!
    Wishing you a fabulous deserve it!
    Susan x

  9. So wonderful. Congrats to you :)) It's a gorgeous magazine. I hope you have a great time away and refresh yourself and spirit!! Be safe & have fun xx

  10. Molto bella!! Un felice week end a Te...ciao

  11. That little girl looks like an angel. What a great looking magazine. I hope you and your husband enjoy your getaway. Italian riviera? Sounds amazing!!!

  12. Oh my goodness...I am soooo excited about Libby! Would love to read the article..she so inspires me. xo

  13. How gorgeous, dear Martina! I also hope there may be an international version available, I would love it, as would many others!
    I hope your holiday is lovely and relaxing....
    - Irina

  14. Thank you for the sneak peak Martina, it is wonderful and I agree, the little girl is super cute, congratulations! Hope you have a great time in Italy,xo M....

  15. Beautiful MARTINA! How funny it is that when I think of a blogger friend, suddenly, she appears in my comments page! I was just thinking of you as I was outside enjoying my garden and THERE YOU WERE!!!!!! Do you finally have sunshine? WE DO TOO! It has been a long time coming, and we seem to have thunderstorms daily! But it has made for the most beautiful garden ever. ENJOY YOURSELF my friend and I want to thank you and hug you (()) so much for coming to visit me.


  16. So precious.What a wonderful magazine.The children are just beautiful.You really do work very hard.It must take alot of time.I know it is worth it.
    Lovely post,
    Happy Days,
    Marie Antoinette


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