Be like a tree!

I never saw a discontented tree.  
They grip the ground as though they liked it, and though fast rooted they travel about as far as we do.  They go wandering forth in all directions with every wind, going and coming like ourselves, traveling with us around the sun two million miles a day, and through space heaven knows how fast and far! 
John Muir

Das ist eine Illustration die kürzlich entstanden ist, von der Yoga Übung "der Baum". Ich liebe diese Stellung, denn sie verkörpert für mich Balance, Vertrauen,  Entspanntheit und Stärke - tief verwurzelt sein und blühen. Und all das wünsche ich Euch für Ostern und für diesen ganzen Frühling. Genießt diese schöne Zeit!

This is a recent illustration of the Yoga asana "the tree". that  i love. It embodies balance, trust, relaxation and strength, being deeply rooted and bloom - and that is what i wish you for this easter and this spring! Have a lovely time and thank you for your friendship always!

watercolor & artwork: Martina Voigt-Schmid


  1. So pretty Martina..gorgeous art..wonderful yoga imagery!
    Hugs and Happiness to you!

  2. Happy easter weekend from me !

  3. Oh Martina!!!!!! I LOVE THIS! The quote along with your magnificent and colorful painting is helping me inch my way toward a spring mentality! And I just saw your comment, and we posted together! Well my friend, we are having a beautiful rain with warmer temperatures, and I think spring is going to be coming soon. I am thrilled and I will watch for the flowers. When I see them, I will think of have been a kind friend and flower in my winter garden this year.


  4. Hi Martina,

    Wonderful artwork - love Yoga and you have portrayed it so well.
    Happy Easter dear friend

  5. A lovely post dear Martina...the illustration and words are a perfect combination...x
    Happy Easter to you and your family!
    Susan x

  6. I love your perspective, Martina! Deep rooted and blooming and of course, travelling - wow! that is wonderful! Your illustrations always have so much meaning and depth that they leave me admiring in awe.

    Happy Easter to you and yours, dear Martina - Take care and keep smiling!

  7. Wonderful message here! We can learn so much from nature. Happy Easter!

  8. This art is gorgeous!
    Happy Easter!! Wishing you all the best this holiday and may it be a great time spent with your friends and family.

  9. Happy Easter weekend Martina! I love your painting, I just started practicing yoga again in the last three weeks and it's terrific. I forgot how good it feels to open my mind and body :))

  10. Thanks for stopping by Martina! I've got you on the blog roll:) xxleslie

  11. So so very beautiful...I hope you and family had a wonderful Easter time xx

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. It's a lovely illustration Martina! I love the centredness of the patterns in the background. It reminds me I really must get back to yoga after the easter break, it's been too long. I did a 'Tree Pose' painting a few years ago. You can see it here if you like :) Sorry about long link! ;)
    Jess x


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