What Kate wore ...

A Rainbow of dresses!

Kates komplette Garderobe für 30 Tage Australien zeigt ganz viel Liebe zur FARBE - warum ich nicht widerstehen konnte, das heute für euch zu posten. Erstaunlicherweise steht ihr einfach JEDE Farbe, und sie sieht immer frisch und ladylike aus. Vielleicht liegt das, mal abgesehen von ihren traumhaften Haaren ;) daran, dass sie zwar leuchende Töne wählt, aber davon immer nur einen - fasr alle diese Outfits sind monochrom und niemals  bunt - ob ich das auch mal versuche?

Kates wardrobe for her 30 days visit to Australia really reflects a love for color - in fact, for EVERY color which is why i couldn't resist posting this today. Nevertheless, because she mostly prefers a mono-chrome look, she never looks too bright. Of course, he duchess of York has the most amazing hair (sigh!) and does manage to wear ladylike outfits with girlish charm, which is something, not everybody can do. But  - i'm tempted to try a one color outfit today, aren't you?

Photo: Elle


  1. Da hast Du Dir aber sehr viel Mühe gegeben. Es stimmt, sie kann wirklich ALLE Farben sehr gut tragen.
    Sonnige Grüße sendet Dir
    Ari-Ari Sunshine

  2. Oh, I love the monochrome look, totally! And if I do wear one green dress, I may only use black tights and shoes to complement it. If I wear all black, then one bright scarf of pair of bright red earrings will add a splash of juicy color. GOOD MORNING MY FRIEND! Anita

  3. and she looks well in all these colors! how does she do it???

  4. I love her look ... As always she looks wonderful!

  5. Such a wonderful portrait and I love her dressing style, so elegant and charmng! Wish you a lovely weekend, Martina! :)

  6. She wears some really lovely outfits, I enjoy all the colours :) xx

  7. She has carried herself with grace and elegance.

  8. Every day other clothes......you must be a rich girl...hahahahahaha...love from me...x !

  9. Hi Martina,

    Kate sure did have some beautiful outfits and looked great in each colour and style.
    Great post and thanks for sharing.
    Happy weekend


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