Let your art guide you - weekly challenge

The first green leaves of spring are so enchanting. I can't wait to see them everywhere. Meanwhile i was working on this little stillife featuring fern leaves and pastell colours. Contrary to my habbits, i was working with a small brush, concentrating on this one painting and on technique - which felt kind of meditative and calm. I'm using this experience to tune into painting again - feels really good!

Please look at what our other participants did as well - and if you feel like it, sign in at art'n sewl - we'll be happy to meet you in our weekly group!


  1. Oh how beautiful!! I really like that. You do such beautiful work.

  2. What beautiful colors-love the texture -is that the right term for it? It has an impressionistic feel :)
    Thanks for the award- i will be getting around to posting it on my blog hopefully sometime this week!

  3. You do such incredible work!! Amazing...

  4. your painting is beautiful.....i'm so glad that you've been inspired to pick up your brushes again!!! congrats on your lovely blog award!! :))

  5. Bravo Martina! You put the freshness of spring and the magical side of it with the fairy glass!It's very beautiful! Happy week-end!

  6. Thank you all, i'll walk around smiling all day with all those lovely compliments in my ear :) Feels so good with all you new artist friends around!


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