Let your art guide you - weekly challenge 6

As it happens, today is the birthday of my husband, Andreas, and so my project for this week was making a birthday-picture. This one is acrylic paint on vintage paper glued on cardbord, a combination i always wanted to try.

Birthday pictures
are a tradition in our family. They are a mixture between posters, painting and cards and serve to make the birthday table more special. I started these when my kids were small - mostly featuring their favorite animal or later super-hero or Manga-character. They are a fun to make and a nice rememnberance of the special days.

Next to the one of this year - the cat, i'm showing you an older one that in teally like. My hubby's starsign is aries, and this flying one takes it easy to stroll between stars and flowers (an encouragement for him to do so as well, for he sometimes doesn't know, when to stop ;)).
Have a wonderful day, all of you, i'm curious to see your new posts!


  1. I LOve that tradition. How very special to do something like that. I love it!! AND how funny- we were both thinking in the same way this week ;-)

  2. Traditions are great, love this one! The words of Pablo Picasso in your sidebar are superb!

    Wishing you happy happy Birthday weekend! XO

  3. Oh how nice, I especially like the cat! Handmade greeting are so much better than store bought.
    My Dad's name was Andreas too-
    Happy Birthday wishes~
    "See" you next week :)

  4. Both are super cute! And thats such a nice tradition!

  5. Martina dearest,
    Thank you for coming by again to visit me!!! And I agree with you....those photos of that book with the cut-outs, oh dear, what an imagination Oona Patterson has! I did a cut-out theatrical presentation a couple of posts back using my own characters and illustrations with one done by my dear friend "The Dutchess". What fun we can create!! Your beautiful blog is so lovely, and I see that you enjoy the arts wholeheartedly! And happy Bday to your husband! Come by again tonight, for I am celebrating my birthday along with two other bloggers. I am preparing a little "soirée"!

    Bon vendredi, Anita

  6. What a great tradition to create art for your family members on their birthday!!! I love the whimsical feel of your painting and the painting on the pages! You and Emily are two peas in a pod!

  7. Oh Martina! School just let out for me, so I can finally come to say THANK YOU FOR VISITING and eating some cake with us! And thank you as well for revisiting to meet my Tea Rat and Rattus characters! All the paper characters were drawn by me with the exception of Miss Moussie, drawn by the wonderful Dutchess. Yes, I have written some stories, but this particular one I am interested in doing it as a book. I just need to figure out how to transfer the photos (I would retake some of them) onto the pages...I make my own dummy books and this one, I surely would take to a publisher. Thank you for your encouragement and input.

    Now, on with the celebration, and thank you so much for coming...isn't Gene Kelly an absolute classic act?

    Many wishes for a lovely weekend, Anita

  8. that is a beautiful tradition & gorgeous card.
    hope your husband had a great day.

    have a fabulous weekend & so very nice of you to stop by

  9. Hello darling thanks so much for visiting my cottage and for the kind comment you left behind, much appreciated. Luv, your blog is bursting at the seams with talent, creativity, colour and beauty. I am delighted that our blogs crossed, now I have a lovely world to visit on daily basis.

    Love & Hugs


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