Let your art guide you - weekly challenge

Another week in the challenge and another birthday picture - this time for Robin, our talented photographer who just turned 20! I was playing with collage and arylic colour to create a stunning image that combined elements of photography and painting.
Sadly, he hasn't had time yet to celebrate properly, for he had to run for the train this morning, to apply at art-school in Essen, a far away town. But hopefully tonight, there will be champagne and something nice to eat.

How's your week been so far? Here, it's raining shoestrings and mice - not typicall at all for the lovely month of may. To enjoy sunshine we have to travel blogland or our own creativity. The good thing is - everything's getting greener and greener and everything grows - not just grass, but also the flowers of imagination!

Now, that's him - with an awesome self-portrait. Check out his work at Flickr
One of these days i'll post some of my favourite pix.

And don't forget to look at what everyone posted at art n'sewl


  1. Wonderful collage! I'm so happy to discover your blog!

    I've also been trying various ways to contact you, because my e-mails don't seem to come through. Is there an alternate e-mail that you can send me?

  2. Hi Maya, so nice meeting, just saw your E-Mail and have replied - more soon!

  3. Good morning, Martina! Or at least, it is morning for us here in the Midwestern U.S.! Thank you for coming to visit my post....I so love and need to see things through the eyes of imagination; it is the only way I function, as a visionary. I hope that we all invision loveliness, and have the courage, the resources and energy to make our visions, whatever they are for the good, come true for ourselves and for others.

    Your blog is so lovely and creative, I so appreciate it and your kindness! Bisous, Anita

  4. "raining shoestrings and mice" -- I like that.

  5. That is really really cool! I love this tradition. The imagery is something else!!

  6. I really like it! Its so colorful and fun!

  7. Wow!!! My first visit & I am already excited!!! What a gorgeous work!!! The colors are grabbing my attention! Really fun...Happy Birthday to your friend!

  8. ok, that's adorable: "shoe strings and mice?"
    in the states, we say, "cats and dogs."

    my daughter just finished a semester in
    heidelberg, and we were enchanted by the
    lovely town.

  9. Oooooooh.....love love love your work..and his is amazing too. Hugs for a great weekend my friend...I so love visiting you..your blog always makes me happy!

  10. Actually - here in germany we say: it rains shoestrings (es regner Schnürsenkel) - the mice part is an addition of mine - i just love messing with old sayings ;)


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