A day in venice, a drink and a painting

My wednesday artbreak is a little trip to venice.
This time just a virtual one, but i've been to this beautiful place often, and recall the hapieness i've always felt, sitting ion a boat and approaching the laguna with all it's treasures.

A typical drink in venice, and at the moment practically everywhere in Europe is Spritz - a mixture of Aperol, Prosecco or white whine and a dash of sparkling mineral water, sometimes garnished with some orange peel and ice. It's very delicious and refreshing  - give it  a try tonight!    

This painting was done in a venetian spirit, reflecting blue skies and ocean, golden frames, marble floors and fruits, warm from the sun. Have a beautiful day everyone!


  1. Venice is just the perfect place to go for a little break! I had the pleasure of spending a few days in Venice 8 years ago. Beauty, Inspiration, Beauty!
    Just like your painting. Have a lovely evening, sweet Martina. xx

  2. venice is one of my favorite places !!
    thanks for stopping by my blog~ yes i love tanya whelan's fabric line :)

  3. Yum! I will come visit you and we will have a spritz together! XO!

  4. lovely painting my dear. cheers (with spritz) :)


  5. I love your painting...
    Is that an oil painting or pallete??

    thanks for sharing!

  6. What a good life you have, Venice, painting, and little drink, I am so jealous!!! LOL! I love that painting, pretty color marble floor! Thanks for stopping by my blog to say hello, just wonder how you found me? : )

  7. Oh I adore this painting my friend! xoxoo Happy Thursday.

  8. always loves traveling and Venice is one of the top priority in my list. Now trying to snap the natural beauty from my land Kerala.

    Cu around friend

    Kerala photos

  9. Beautiful painting! I adore all the textures and elements!

    Best wishes from one blogger to another,


  10. Good morning, Martina dearest! I was out ALL DAY LONG yesterday, missing this glorious post! But our day was the most beautiful, sunny, blue-skied day of around 75 degrees Farenheit, which is the most perfect weather. We antiqued, dreamed, ate out for dinner and had a lovely day together. Yes, I am a harpist and I so enjoy every moment of learning new songs and letting my fingers dream and create sounds of calm! I so wish you could hear it! WOW! What a sweet and calming post...a refreshing drink on the lagoon, a lovely painting, and dreams of Italy, a place I love so and where my husband and I had such a good time! Are you enjoying your days dear one? Thank you for your visit sweet Martina!


  11. You have such a gorgeous blog!! xoxo

  12. Beautiful art and Spritz too...will be back! :)

  13. Spritz sounds positively delicious and chic all at once. Those Europeans are always a step ahead in the right direction :)


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