Monday Love: Cakepops and a pretty room

I'm having problems uploading pictures in my post today - don't know why, so i'm showing you something that was done a while ago. Does anyone else is having this problem? Would be interested to know - and how to deal with it.

Some time ago i spent sunday at my friend Andreas house making homemade pralinées for a production for KidsLife.

They came out different then we thought, but nevertheless beautiful and tasty. Instead of canvas and brushes we worked with sugar pearls and chocolates - nice for a change.

The house looked so good that i had to take some pictures of it as well. Andrea and i sometimes paint together - and have a project called "Malerei2". An old example of that cooperation is the lemon painting below.

Pictures: MVS - Martina Voigt-Schmid


  1. The pics are amazing... The house of your friend looks very neat and beautiful!

  2. I am here through Arti's blog. Amazing blog you have.I love the well done interiors and of course the dessert too.

  3. What a lovely home!!!! I love all the colours. Those cakes look amazing.
    Hope you get things fixed with the uploading..I will send your magazine off this week. xoxoxo Hugs

  4. i want one of those cake pops right this minute...i just can.t decide WHICH one i would chose..i might have to have 2 or 3 if that.s okay. love the lemon fun to collaborate with an artsy friend.
    happy day.

  5. What a cozy home, Martina. Everything just fits! The color palette, the kind of furniture, perfectly pretty. Your paintings are pure happiness to me, so fun to be doing a project together. Cute cakes!!
    Hope you will have a most wonderful paining Woche!
    Alles Gute, liebe Martina.
    Saskia xx

  6. Martina dearest!!!! I have had some problems with blogger lately as well! But I was working on a new post today and everything seemed fine...these pictures that you have here are absolutely fabulous, but you would have fantastic images with your line of work! Oh thank you sweet Martina, for asking about my weekend! We are soaking up as much fun, enchantment and magic during this beautiful summer here in Minnesota. You know that we experience some of the coldest weather in the country during winter, so we do our best to suck the marrow out of life during the good months!!! We went antiquing, we watched movies, I cooked Italian food using the herbs in my garden....and I played my harp for many hours. This week will be my last week before I actually have to start planning for my new school year. The very end of August I have to go back for meetings and get into my classroom!!! It all goes so fast, I have been teaching now for 8 years.

    How are you? I hope you are well dear one. YOur new profile picture is lovely!!!!

    Your blog is just beautiful as ever!!

    Enjoy your week, Anita

  7. Loooove cakepops! You guys are so incredibly talented! XO!

  8. Oh yes "Cake Pops" are quite a fine invention... and how fun to have a girlfriend to paint, create, and chit chat with...lucky you!
    ________smile on... Rosie________

  9. Hi Martina,
    Those all were beautiful... the cakes, the house, and the lemon painting.. I love them!!
    It must be fun to have a project together with our friend..
    About the uploading problems, I sometimes experienced the same... probably that's an error in Blogger or in our server connection..
    Hope it would be fixed soon..

    have a great day, friend. take care!!

  10. Thank you all for your kind support - the problem is solved now, the new posts are saved! :) A toast to all good friends. Will post recipe for these cakepops soon - they are worth trying!

  11. I am happy you visited my blog. I am following you so that I would get updates of your posts.

  12. Those cakepops look delicious!

    The photos are so vibrant with color...:) beautiful!

  13. ahhh. lovely warm pics as always Martina!
    good to hear you got the uploads sorted, I also have some problems with the new blogger.
    cookies in a jar were from the bakerella website, they look great & am planning on giving them as gifts for the mums at my little ones birthday next week.
    happy creative day to you ♥


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