Monday Love: Sweet inspiration

Be Kind 
Treat yourself and others with kindness when you eat, exercise, play, work, love, and everything else. When you think, feel, and act kindly, you hasten your ability to connect to the power of intention.  
Wayne Dyer 

Whatever is on your plate today - be kind to yourself and savour at least one conscious moment with all your senses, be there, enjoy it to the brim!  Have a fabulous start to your week lovelies! Can you believe May is almost here?

Time flies, and sometimes it's just impossible to cram it all into one day - the life, and communicating about it on more than one channel. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, blogging ... Are you experiencing an overdose of social media sometimes? I want to link here to a post by my blogfriend Anna from IHOD i find important to read.

Photo: Martina Voigt-Schmid


  1. Have a nice week darling...i don't know we are going out for dinner tonight with friends.....we have a day off today it is queen's day in from

  2. Have a nice Monday, too!
    Here is pretty hot, so I feel like in June already actually:)

  3. Good morning Martina!

    YES, to be kind to others AND yourself! We often forget that, don't we? And sometimes we have TOO many burdens on our plates as well, so the only way to deal with those is ONE AT A TIME. So off I go to work and I wish YOU a super SPRING DAY full of love and happiness! BISOUS, Anita

  4. Nice words and lovely picture. Have a great day.


  5. today is going to be one of those so much to do -so little time, days for me...i hope to stop and smell the roses for a moment at least ;)
    great article on IHOD.i sometimes think about that when i'm capturing an event, rather than just enjoying it...
    have a super monday...

  6. Good Monday doll!! Yes, we must be kind to ourselves and others, very important!! Sometimes it can be overload on the media websites, a break is sometimes needed!! Kindness is for all days!! Have a wonderful week :) xx

  7. Oh Martina, what a wonderful, timely post!
    First of all, I love your message of kindness, may there be more of in the world...overflowing!
    So grateful for kind, wonderful souls like you and dear Anita...
    I also peeked over at your art gallery, so much beauty, Martina!
    And regarding the social media...I just read Anna's post. You know, I don't think we are wired for such such a bombardment of over-stimulation. Personally, I limit myself to blogging and e-mail, and some days feel overwhelmed with even that. I think it is up to the individual to decide what is right for them, but unfortunately society is becoming more and more dependent on these various forms of tech-communication.
    I hope we can all keep the balance in order to stay happy and sane! Friends, family, art, tea, much more fun than Twitter or Facebook, n'est-ce pas? :)
    Have a beautiful, creative week, sweet friend!
    - Irina

  8. We absolutely need to be kind to ourselves and others. What a lovely post and reminder for a Monday. Have a wonderful week, Martina! :) xoxo

  9. Oh, the days do seem to fly by and even more so because of time spent on the internet....It's important to find a balance, isn't it Martina?...I'm still trying!
    Have a lovely happy week....
    Susan x

  10. Dearest Martina, Lovely post! Important words...indeed, I agree 'To be kind to ourselves and others'- I believe this is something to practice every day. I can't believe its May either :) Days are cold down here. Wish you a beautiful week ahead, and thank you for your wonderful inspiring thoughts!

  11. Dear Martina,

    I enjoyed your post today, and yes hasn't the year gone so quickly ... May is here!
    Love the quote and yes, kindness is such an important thing in our life. Also read the great post of your friends and it is so important to have that balance in our lives.

    Happy May

  12. Sweet friend,

    My chocolate cake came out SO GOOD!!!! And next, LEMON TART made with curd. Oh my sweet, have a WONDERFUL TUESDAY!! Anita

  13. First of all, I love the beautiful photo vignette you shared in this post - 3 of my favorite colors stand out -- yellow, blue and vibrant pink. I really have gone way off track in savoring moments and being conscious lately. I've been busy and that has led me to forget about just "being" in the moment. I've been rushing and on the "high-strung" side. Thank you for this well-needed reminder.


  14. Your be kind quote is just what I needed today...wish everyone would remember this, our world would be such a better place. Sending you oodles of joy for the rest of your is time to take a break from all the social media and I am off to do just that. xoxoxo HUGS

  15. Your creativity is just amazing Martina!! One must always be happy with whatever he has and be kind to others. In this day and age of technology overload, we must find time for ourselves.
    Hope you are having a great week:)

  16. Those little boats remind me of the ones I made with my first grade students the other week. So sweet.
    Thank you so much for sharing the post. So happy you enjoyed it, and hopefully like me, you were encouraged by it!
    x, Anna

  17. Lovely share, and that reminds me that I haven't have breakfast, LOL! going to get one now!

  18. I so love that little ship out of a map!!!
    The whole photo is wonderfully styled...I love it.

  19. What lovely words and a good reminder in this fast paced week! xx

  20. Those were lovely words Martina!

  21. true words indeed. Our priest friend gave us 3 rules for life !. be kind 2. be kind 3. be kind...
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
    happy May!



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