ABC of dog breeds

Dogs laugh, but they laugh with their tails.

Schönes Wochenende für Euch alle! Ich hatte ein paar sehr trubelige Wochen und brauche heute mal einfach zeit zum Entspannen. Habt Ihr Lust, ein kleines Rätsel zu lösen?
Es war eine kleine Herausforderung für mich zu sehen, ob ich für jeden Buchstaben eine andere Hunderasse finden könnte. Wi sch herausstellte, war das kein Problem. Nur einer der Hunde, die auf dem Poster abgebildet sind, ist nicht unter seinem richtigen Namen dargestellt. wisst ihr, welcher es ist?
Wenn Euch das Poster gefällt, könnt ihr es hier bestellen

Happy weekend lovelies! I had a very busy time for some weeks now and just need some down time to relax today -while you maybe feel like solving a little puzzle?
 It was a little challenge for me to see, wether i could find a different breed for every letter - but i did. With one exemption: There is one dog, which isn't listed under the proper name - do you know which one? 
If you like the poster, you can order itt here


  1. OH HOW FUN IS THIS! Now, I can't tell which one is not listed properly! At first I thought it was the pug, but MOPS is the correct name, no? LOVE THIS MY FRIEND! Did you paint these doggies? And I agree that they laugh with their tails! I adore animals, and this is the time to enjoy the antics of nature in the garden. I am watching silly squirrels, curious and sweet rabbits and industrious birds building nests! How lovely to see you today and hear about all the things you are doing! I am almost done with school with only one more week left, then another two days of the following week with meetings, and then I am done. It has been a lovely spring and before you know it, the cold will be back, but for now, it is perfect. Enjoy your weekend and SMILE! Anita

  2. Dogs of breed? Nice post title. Enjoy the down-time. Am doing the same;-)

  3. Hello dear friend,
    So good to see you here... Oh this is fun... Ok... I believe D should be ~ Dachshund ~
    Am I correct?
    Thank you so much for visiting my panda and leaving such a sweet comment!
    Enjoy your weekend.

  4. Gorgeous fun-spirited and lovely! Enjoy your time to relax..have fun!
    Wishing you a most fabulous June!

  5. Hi Martina,

    Such a fun poster and love all the sweet dogs - yes, I wonder is it the Pug dog?
    Hope that you have a lovely weekend and you are able to find time to relax.

  6. Have a wonderful weekend Martina, the poster is lovely! I thing that it may be the quastl that is wrongly named.....but then, it may be me who is wrong ; )

  7. Enjoy a happy lazy sunday from me Ria...x !

  8. This is so pretty Martina, I really like it. Dogs are so sweet :)) I hope you are having a wonderful weekend :) xx

  9. I am not sure of the answer, but this is so cute!i have a sweet little 'dackel'like this one at home


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