Let your art guide you - weekly challenge 12

Red flowers - but in a more abstract form was my project for this weeks art challenge. I've started on these a while back and went on in a playful manner, mainly concentrating on the colours and how they enhance others glow.
Now i'm in the mood to continue like this on a bigger canvas - let's see!

Meanwhile i was pondering on - if we see ourselves as a colour - your good friends are those, who make you glow stronger. If you could picture yourself - which colour would you be?

Come and have a look at all entries at art n'sewl, we'd love to see you!


  1. Ughhhhh- your pictures make me want every one of them!! Soooo beautiful. Ok- we need to get our swap figured out. I'll email you later and once and for all figure out what we are doing LOL.


  2. So pretty!
    I think if I were a color-I'd be a shade of pink-but sometimes a bluish green too-that's a good question.It probably changes with my mood :)

  3. Oh my are these beautiful!!! I am so glad I came by tonight because these are just plain inspirational! It is so great to come to your blog as it always has something cheery and happy.


  4. I'd be pink!

    Martina, these are gorgeous. Do you use acrylic?


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